Sistr Speed Mentoring Lunch

L and P

On Wednesday, Pip and Louisa went to a Sistrs Speed Mentoring lunch; Pip was speaking about the ways in which you can write an attention-grabbing CV and ‘nail’ your interview preparation, ensuring that you leave a strong lasting impression. For those of you that don’t know anything about Sistr, it’s a network where women can connect, support and learn from each other. It’s aimed at women in business and offers you instant support from a wide range of women, all with different business experiences, with varying advice to give.

The lunch was held in order for the Sistrs, and other women who were looking for a ‘leg up’ in their careers, to be able to mingle, network and ask questions. Everyone could also listen to the four ‘Gurus’ who were there to talk about how they got to where they are today and to impart their top tips relating to their area of expertise.

It was a fantastic opportunity to meet many people, with such a wide range of experience and get instant answers on areas where you may have had questions. Pip and Louisa had a great time meeting and talking to everyone and hearing about their experiences whilst sharing useful tips to assist with their next interviews and job applications! Sistr are doing a fantastic thing, allowing women from all areas of the working world, to form a network and become mentors and assist each other when needed and where possible. It is great to know that there is always a group behind you who want to help and have also been in similar situations to you.

If you haven’t already looked up Sistr or been to any of their events, check them out and see if it’s something you would find useful and would like to join yourself!


To find out more about Sistr and what it is that they do, follow the link!