#JGSTORIES – Kate Tiner

JGS Kate

This week we spoke to Kate, one of our Consultants, for our third #JGStory. Kate has worked at Joyce Guiness for almost two years and has shared some information about herself below, telling us what advice she would give herself if she could go back in time to when she first moved to London and talking about where she would travel to if she had the chance as well as her favourite TV box set. We hope that you enjoy reading and learning more about Kate and if you are a client or candidate and would like to feature in one of our #JGStories, then do not hesitate to contact us!

If you could go back in time to when you first came to London, what advice would you give yourself and why?

Always take a job that you enjoy.  It is so important to enjoy the job you are in and the people you work with as we spend more time with our colleagues than we do our loved ones! I know I had no clue what I wanted to do when I left Durham University and I was lucky enough to find a job quickly but I did take the first role that I was offered.  I would suggest to always do lots of research before accepting an interview to get a real feel for the company and the industry and make sure it is the right fit.  Joyce Guiness has taught me that there are so many different types of roles so you need to find a good fit! Another tip – exercise every day and always get some fresh air at lunchtime.  The endorphins from the exercise will set you up for the day ahead and even 5 minutes of fresh air at lunch time makes one so much more productive in the afternoon!

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

New York! It is the one place that I have never heard a negative thing about.  Some of my best friends live there and my husband spends a lot of time there with work; I am desperate to see if for myself! I have actually never been to America and I very much hope to get the chance to go this year!

What is your favourite TV box set?

Anything on Netflix or an excellent BBC drama! But mainly I love all murder mysteries, especially Lewis.  It is very much a guilty pleasure but is always so easy to watch!