An Alternative to University – Oxford Media & Business School


Last week we had Tess, a student at Oxford Media & Business School working with us and gaining experience of being in an office. She spent her week doing lots of social media, writing job adverts and learning how to manoeuvre around the website and how to add jobs and content to it. We thought she was fantastic and we thoroughly enjoyed having her in the office with us. For those of you finishing school and not sure whether to go to university, straight into the workplace or looking for something different to do, have a read of the blog that Tess has written for us about her time at Oxford Media & Business School. Thank you Tess!

I originally had a place at Oxford Brookes to study Anthropology, however during my gap year, I realised that I was picking the course for the sake of going to University. After doing some work, it was evident that I wanted to get into the working world as soon as possible, rather than studying for three more years.

After some research into alternatives to University, I came across the Professional Business Diploma course at Oxford Media & Business School. This course was exactly what I was looking for and so I made the conscious decision to withdraw my University offer. The course has given me the opportunity to spend a year in Oxford as a student, whilst assisting me in developing my business and IT skills. It has been a fantastic course and I know the transferrable skills I have learnt will be extremely useful in any job I go into.

The course also incorporates a week of work experience. I was lucky to have spent this week with the wonderful Joyce Guiness team. It has been interesting finding out what recruitment involves and to get a feel of the type of jobs that are out there. This week has also given me the opportunity to experience the working life in London. Thank you JG for having me!